2 Best Ways to use GreaseMonkey Scripts on Google Chrome

Greasemonkey is one of the important and useful add-on of Firefox which enhances internet experience. Chrome users are missing it. But not for long, here is the way to install Grease monkey script on Google Chrome. This can be used to run JavaScripts in Chrome. The procedure is as follows :

1. Through Greasemetal :
To use the Greasemonkey scripts on chrome ,first you need to install Greasemonkey. As Greasemonkey cannot be installed on Chrome there is a software called Greasemetal,a Greasemonkey type utility which is specially built for Chrome.
The above link will download an exe file which can be installed on your computer. After you are done with the installing RUN thesoftware. A new window will be opened in chrome confirming your installation of Greasemetal.

Running JavaScripts on Google chrome :
After the installation a folder named Userjs will be created in the My Documents Folder. SO If you want to use any Script all you have to do is to copy down the downloaded User Scripts into Userjs directory. Thats it. Now you can enjoy running java scripts in Google Chrome browser.

2. Using Greasemonkeyas a Bookmark :
Another good way of using Greasemonkey in Chrome is using the JavaScript in the form of a Bookmark. This is very easy. All you have to do is Drag this below link to your browser in the place of a bookmark. This will create a bookmark on the chrome browser by the name Greasemonkey.

Installing UserScripts :
We can install UsrScripts which are nothing but JavaScripts which can be downloaded from userscripts.org. After getting the script visit the bookmark which you made in the above process. There , Click on Install the Script. That’s it and you are done. You can get the JavaScript as a bookmark on your bookmarks bar and you can use them as you like.

Top 10 Google Chrome Extensions / Add-ons

Google has announced the release of Google Chrome extensions / add-ons. There are almost 500 Chrome add-ons available, so we list of some of the best and most useful chrome extensions.
These Google Chrome add-ons can enhance your browsing experience and simplifies a lot of tasks. The listed out Chrome extensions useful for all purposes like security, Mails, Social networking like twitter, Facebook,etc.


This is a vital extension of security. With Web of Trust (WOT) will be warned about possible unsafe sites, sites with inappropriate content and so on.


Most of the Internet users find Ads the most annoying thing on any website. So, using this extension you can block the ads and this surely increases the loading speed of the web sites.  

Google Mail Checker

This is the most popular extension so far. Its function is very simple: shows you the unread mails and lets you check your inbox from your browser.

Chromed Bird

This is the ideal extension for Google Chrome Twitter. You can follow the tweets of your contacts and interact with them. It’s simple, fast and effective.


(shorten, share, and track your links) extension to shorten and share your links easily. So, no need to visit the site to shorten any link. You can directly shorten any link just by clicking on the extension.

Google Reader Notifier

This is the extension for Google Chrome which will notify you about unread items in your Google Reader. By clicking on it you can preview the items and enter the account.


With this extension you can search on a website links to PDF files and then open them with Google Docs Viewer.

Facebook for Google Chrome

With this extension you can read your wall, feed and even update your status on Facebook. So, its just like having the access to your Facebook account straight at the go.


This extension allows you to access all the significant Flickr functions with so much of ease. You can add keyboard shortcuts, lightbox for large previews, tagging, shorten your links using Flic.kr, quick access to EXIF data and many more. 

Xmarks Bookmarks Sync

There is no doubt about the fact that Xmarks is the best bookmarking add-on. Regardless the browser you use, you can easily synchronizes bookmarks across multiple computers.

How to Prevent Automatic Table Formatting in Word Documents

Microsoft Word at times automatically changes the column width of a table at its own discretion. This jumbles up the entire page layout. You can always prevent automatic table formatting in Word documents. The procedure to do so is as follows..

  • Right-click any one cell of the table in the document and select the ‘Table Properties’ context command.

  • prevent auto table format in wordGo to the ‘Options’ button in the ‘Table’ tab  and remove the check mark in front of the option ‘Automatically resize to fit contents’ in the next dialog box, i.e., ‘Table Options’.

  • Then close all opened dialogs with ‘OK’.
After this, Word will not adjust the column width of this table on its own.
Note: The changed option works for the current table only. If required, you will have to configure the setting for every table separately.