If you are looking to Know whether your friend on Yahoo Messenger is actually Offline or isInvisible, you came to the right place.It’s not nice to spy on someone, especially on your friends. We can detect the invisible users on yahoo messenger online. To do that you just need their yahoo id. You have to enter their id in the below listed sites and they will produce your required information.
Here are 4 best sites to detect invisible users :
Searches for the the people who are invisible based on the Yahoo ID you inputted and exposes their online status.
Lets you detect the buddies from your yahoo messenger list that stay Invisible on Yahoo Messenger. There is also an option to download avatar of your friend.
3. YDetector :
Another online service to detect invisible users. It has a good interface which resembles Yahoo and its bugs are all fixed too.
4. Invisible.ir :
Anew one that works really well. You can also do some other things like check multiple Yahoo users at once and detect a users main Yahoo ID.
These services are best checked and are working well. If you know any sites which will help usdetect invisible users, leave them as a comment. Enjoy Spying..! 
i used Detect invisible yahoo status